Individual Taxation
Entity Taxation
Trust & Estate Planning & Taxation
Tax Planning;Compilations & Reviews
Business Transitions/Successions
Farm Business Management & Consulting

Trusts & Estates
B.S., Accounting/Legal Studies - University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD
CPA - Certified Public Accountant
South Dakota Certified Public Accountants (SDCPA)
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
Leadership Huron Class of 2020
What do you do and how do you make an impact for others?
I enjoy the agribusiness side of accounting. The clients I get to work with in that field are usually multiple generation farms, and you feel the pride and sense of accomplishment they have for their farm. It makes the work I do all the more important since my focus for the client is threefold: 1. Tax 2. Growth 3. Succession Planning.
What are your hobbies?
Golf is like a lifetime of emotions condensed into a couple of hours. There's joy, tears and sometimes tears of joy!
What advice do you have for prospective employees of ELO?
ELO has a team mentality when it comes to workflows. This helps prevent burnout and spreads the work evenly throughout the offices. A truly unique work culture in that they allow the individual to gravitate towards specific fields of interest. They truly care that the individual enjoys the work they are performing.
What have you gained from working at ELO?
A much better work/life balance.
What are three words to describe ELO?
Driven Passionate Caring.
What is your favorite sport and/or favorite team to watch?
My favorite sport is Football and my favorite team are the Cowboys.
What's on your bucket list?
I intend on golfing every course in SD with my two best friends.
What places have you lived?
South Dakota.
What is one place in the world you would love to visit?
I would like to go to St Andrews Old Course.
What's the one thing in life you could not live without?